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The Spanish Quest

Hopefully from the route description of the African Quest you've got a rough idea of what's in store in terms o

Cycling into Spain from the beautiful French coastline of the Bordeaux region you immediately notice the differences between the two countries. The chilled out and stress-free atmosphere of the Spanish culture and the locals, makes you fall into this relaxed state once you cycle into the depths of the country. From beauty of the white sandy beaches to the Pyrenees Mountains - what's not to love about heading their by bike to take the time to absorb it all.

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The Basque country’s mountainous region will get the heart rate going as this first leg into Spain becomes tougher the further we travel. However, each quaint village that we pass through provides the bellies with local Pintxos keep us fueled for these grueling climbs. As the sun sets over the local vineyards and the mountains fall into the distance, the small villages come alive in the evenings with the rhythm of Latino music with the locals eager to get the tourists up to join in the Spanish dancing - all this part of working up an appetite for dinner to come! As 10pm rolls around, European dinner time beckons with an incredible meal of tasty meat cuts and seafood, to be washed down with some Sangria or a Kalimotxos.

Back on the bike again passing through Tolosa, Logrona and Soria before arriving into one of the culinary capitals of Europe - Madrid. With music in its soul and a spring in its step, it has everything from art and culture to more Pintxos in La Latina district. Boasting 17 Michelin star restaurants the 760 km of hard work in this Spanish leg is rewarded with two welcomed rest days to taste the Spanish delicacies and replenish the bellies!

Onwards and upwards from Madrid into more mountains, however there is much more down than up this time around. After climbing up over 4,000 m until this point there have been the most incredible 360 degree views in the mountains since pedaling away from London 20 days ago. This is no mean feat and the legs are starting to feel it after already having cycled 1,735 km but the ever changing views, villages and cuisines takes our minds off that. Landing into Seville we are welcomed with the sight of the beautiful cathedrals and palaces. Rolling down the hills past many more olive groves and vineyards, Spain is a continually changing landscape all the way from crossing the border at Bordeaux down to Tarifa and onto the next adventure of Morocco.

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