A long overdue update!
Hello again Mammoth fans!
It's been quite a long time since our last blog so thought I would give an update on what's been going on, and what's coming up in the future. I hope there won't be such a long break between now and the next blog!
Now unless you have been living under a rock over the past 18 months you will have in some way been impacted by COVID-19. We have been in absolute awe of the frontline healthcare staff who have been working tirelessly during this time. A huge thank you from us, and we are in complete admiration for their commitment and selfless work. The effects of COVID on individuals and their families has really put in perspective what is important in life.
As our activities rely heavily on travel this obviously disrupted our plans for 2020. Cancelling the tours planned for 2020 was an easy decision as any travel between countries was pretty much completely off limits - so the decision was ultimately out of hands.
We then made the call fairly in 2021 to not hold any tours for this year. There was too much uncertainty with travel, with so-called 'green list countries' changing at a moment's notice, and the requirements to leave UK and enter other countries with several PCR tests adding another layer of frustration when it comes to planning. Even within UK planning any trips had so much uncertainty with new lockdown measures being introduced, regional variations, and occasions where hotels and restaurants weren't open.
As we are coming out of the travel restrictions from COVID-19 we should hopefully find ourselves in a more settled 2022. We are still in the planning stage of what tours we will run next year, and how we intend to operate as a company. COVID has allowed us a great opportunity to reflect on where our priorities lie, and how we see ourselves having a positive impact on other people's lives to motivate and inspire them to live life to the fullest. This may see a change in how we operate as a company, and the type of services we offer.
I am sure like most of the world, whichever country you spent the last 18 months living in, you have been off exploring the local area in great more detail than you ever had before.
We have done the same.
One of the best investments I made was buying a local Ordnance Survey map. This allowed us to plan walks, cycles and wild swimming dips that we didn't know even existed. I still use the map now to scope out new areas to explore, and I have even highlighted on the map the areas I have been to - a true geek!

A special mention needs to be given to Marin and Thule. Just before the pandemic they both supplied us with kit which made it infinitely easier to go on these Microadventures.
Marin and Thule have looked after us from the beginnings of Mammoth and I look forward to that relationship continuing as we enter this new phase of the companies adventure.
Blogs to look forward to before the end of the year:
1/ Local adventures in UK we did, and ideas of what to do and how to plan in your local area
2/ New Zealand exploring over the Christmas period - including tramping and surfing
Keep up to date over on our Instagram and Facebook pages of our adventures, inspiring content and silly photos!
Thanks again to everyone and speak soon.
